Because I am your mom, I do my best to make you think it all works effortlessly. I wipe your noses, tie your shoes, make your food and try to do it with a silly smile all day - but man, in reality I am tired and sometimes the tasks at hand seem to outnumber the minutes in the day to complete them.
Molly is beginning a new medical diet to add to the meds that help control her seizures but that should also help her gain some clarity and attention. It is called the MAD diet (modified atkins diet), and while it mimics the ketogenic diet in many ways there are marked differences. MAD doesn't require that we weigh and measure Molly's foods, but it is a very low carb diet. For now, she can only have 10g of carbs a day. That is not a lot of carbs at all - but she's being an amazing sport about it all.
Yesterday she had a glamour party with her Brownie troop and party of the activity was a giant cupcake as big as her head - for which she didn't fight me at all when we talked about not having one, and just went ahead and had her cup of popcorn. I expected tears but was met by a very grown up girl who just finished a unit about nutrition and is trying to figure out why she can't have grains when that's what gives you energy. So as boggled as I've made my little girl's mind - she's so very trusting of Mommy and is willing to give this a try. We're experimenting together. I discovered that although everyone else liked the mashed cheesey cauliflower - Molly thought it was disgusting. Molly discovered that you can wrap sandwiches in lettuce and that Mommy can make fake bread with eggs and cream cheese. I am FOREVER grateful that Molly is willing to try new foods and pretty easy going as long as it's within her schedule.
That being said - Today was a prep day, it was a Monday, it was a BUSY day! We started it off at about 1am, well Zoey and I did anyway and then again at 2:45am and then for real at 7am. I had to make bacon and eggs for breakfast, pack a lunch and then prepare 3 different dinners. There were bills to pay, FSA requests to organize, and zero carb foods to discover and order. There was a toy store run this morning to reward Kennedy for 4 days without temper tantrums (granted it was out of 6 days). It was an hour long trip since Kennedy had a $15 budget with eyes for everything expensive! But, no temper tantrums! There was also a WHOLE FOODS run to try and find Molly-friendly food that resulted in just fruit and a scone for me and Ked - that place is seriously expensive. Then there is the school drop offs and pick ups, the bank run and fitting in a nap for a very cranky baby who is getting some new and very sharp teeth.
Then it was dinner prep time, convincing Kennedy that she doesn't live next door and that sometimes the amazing boys who are 5+ years older then her cannot always play with her and then getting her to paint instead - give that kid a chance to make a mess and distraction is usually achieved. Of course, Ked's is outside, Molly wants to be in and Zoey just wants a pouch sewn on to my leg so she can come everywhere I go! Somehow dinner got on the table, baths and showers were given, medication was administered, most of the dishes were done,. And then it was time to prep for tomorrow's adventure.
I'm waking Molly up at 4:30am, changing her and throwing her in the car and driving to Boston to get to the hospital for an 8am EEG hook-up. She's being hooked up for a 6 hour ambulatory EEG. We're getting labs drawn, then we have a 10:30 appt with her Developmental Behavioralist and then a 1pm with Dr. Poduri. Then 2pm we get the leads taken off and get the heck out of Boston!. Of course, with starting this new diet, I had to prep all her food for breakfast and lunch - since she has to be fasted for blood work. That was another whole step for tonight's list. There was also prepping Kennedy's clothing for the morning and Molly's. There was also packing our bags for the car ride and time at the hospital.
Yeah - the day was busy. And now, here I sit under a blanket, on my couch, blogging it out. And, I fully admit when I close my computer, play my WORDS WITH FRIENDS game on my phone, I will fall into a deep sleep on the couch for about 40 minutes, and it will probably be the best sleep I get all night since I'll be afraid of missing my close to 4am wake-up. But hey, tomorrow's prep has already started as I bought an extra iced coffee today to grab from the fridge so I don't have to stop tomorrow since dunkin' opens after we leave!
So girls, I hope it looks effortless to you, and I'm truly sorry if I snap when you tell me you're hungry as I'm trying to put 3 different dinners on the table, but because I'm your mom I can promise you - it's HARD work, but I love you, so it's totally worth it!
I can SO relate! Love this post.