It's hard to say when this illness started, or what exactly this illness is. About 2.5 weeks ago, Ked had a fever and Zoey was super fussy. About 3.5 weeks ago Zoey had a fever. About 2 weeks ago Molly was coughing so hard and complaining of a sore throat. On Saturday Zoey puked, Tuesday morning Daddy puked, Sunday night into Monday Mommy was feeling nauseous and yucky but thought it was a med not working. On Tuesday night Ked puked - but at 6pm and nothing since and now at 2am down goes Molly, who is still so congested it's hard to recognize what's what. The thing is, everyone puked once (so far, knock on so much wood). And every incident had an explanation. Like for Zoey - her persistent ear infection was worse and the antibiotic she was on causes belly upset. We didn't even think stomach bug as she started with lots of diarrhea shortly after starting zithromax. It all matched up.
Unfortunately, poor Zoey is having a rough go. She's not keeping much of anything in and is slightly dehydrated at the moment. We are doing our best to get pedialyte into her at every feed, so fingers crossed! She's turned blue a few times though and is just pretty miserable, but at least she is trying to get restorative sleep.
I sent Daddy away. After his incident, which coincided with bad sleep, heavy shoveling and over exhaustion - he felt fine and went to work. I pretty much commanded he get a hotel room instead of making the 2+ hour drive again and actually get some rest and some good uninterrupted sleep. He must have been tired - cause he listened.
Thankfully Auntie Jamie had planned to come over today and was here to help as I dragged Zoey back to the doctor and then Kennedy let loose. Now, before Keddy puked she had complained her belly hurt - after she stabbed herself with play scissors. Then I let her play in the tub, which she loves, but being Kennedy, she got a hold of shampoo and somehow ate it, got it in her nose and eyes. It was shortly after this where she had her incident.
You see, I may have said a few times in the last few days, "oh #*%)(!" or "why now?" but I NEVER said I didn't want to be their mom - it's part of the job, it's a yucky part. It's definitely not the hardest thing I've ever done or ever will do - but for whatever reason, puking shoots my anxiety levels through the roof. I think it is also because the gala is this weekend, so in the end, I guess I'm grateful it's happening while I'm home to take care of them.
sicky sick sick sick slumber party |
Sick sick sick- blech! Puke is the one body fluid I really can't handle well... Hang in there Mama! Spring will be here soon!